Data and Society faculty Alex Halavais and Nick Proferes are teaching three graduate seminars this fall. Two are sequential, in sessions A and B on the downtown campus. The third is in session A and in hybrid format, with meetings on West campus and online. All three of these courses are also offered in an entirely online format via ASU Online. All are open to those not in the major.
Theories of Data & Society
STC 501, Proferes, M/W 6-8:45, Session A
Surveys the development of social theory with regard to structures of knowledge and data exchange. Prepares students to engage in theory building and deploy theoretical frameworks that inform and support their social research.
Networked Publics
STC 536, Halavais, M/W 6-8:45, Session B
Traces the move from mass society to networked society and the changes this has led to in the public sphere, political participation and systems of governance.
Technologies of Community
STC 537, Halavais, T/Th 6-8:45, Session A
Examines the ways in which communities form, manage themselves, and improve through the use of networked technologies.